So currently there’s an article going around the socials about Lego removing gender bias from its toys. It doesn’t actually say much about what Lego is actually going to do. It does say Lego toys aren’t labeled “for boys” or “for girls” and that they are including more female role models. Other than this, it just seems to be noise! Given the profits Lego has enjoyed through the Lego Friends range, I’m skeptical they’ll do very much. And of course they are still only thinking in binary ways.
You have probably noticed that the Lego Friends series, targeted at young girls, relies on gender stereotypes of colour (pink and purple) and traditionally female roles (domesticity and care). What you may not have noticed was that this construction toy, specifically the mini-dolls (rather than mini-figures) limit play possibilities. There are less moving parts. To illustrate this, and for your enjoyment, I’ve create some images.